Research Opportunities

Systematic Review Studies

IAA is affiliated with multiple research and development programs, allowing team members to work on cutting edge anesthesia research. Contact us to learn more. 

Financial Conflicts of Interest in Randomized Controlled Trials of Liposomal Bupivacaine: A Systematic Review Without Meta-Analysis

PI: Kevin Finkel, MD

This study is about evaluating the impact of conflicting financial relationships between clinical study investigators and the manufacturer of Liposomal bupivacaine LB (Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; parent company, Pacira Biosciences, Inc.) on the reporting of positive clinical outcomes. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the prevalence and nature of financial conflicts of interest (FCOIs) between clinical study investigators and the manufacturer of LB. We also evaluated the relationship between FCOIs and the reporting of positive clinical outcome data favoring LB. Phase 1 of this study was completed, we will soon be starting on phase 2 where we will be evaluating the impact of conflicting financial relationships regarding other considerably expensive pain medications.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about IAA Hartford Division Research, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Mailing Address:
Department of Anesthesia Research / Department of Anesthesiology
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street, JB321
Hartford, CT 06102

Office Hours: 
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


  • Kevin J. Finkel, MD, FASA
    Medical Director of Research
    Department of Anesthesia Research,  Hartford Division
    Email Dr. Finkel
  • Aseel Walker, MD
    Director of Clinical Research

    Department of Anesthesia Research,  Hartford Division
    Tel: 860-972-1778
    Email Aseel Walker
  • Sarah Vincze, MPH
    Research Internship Program Coordinator
    Research Coordinator, IAA
    Department of Anesthesia Research,  Hartford Division
    Tel: 860-972-5487
    Email: Sarah Vincze
Kevin J. Finkel, MD, FASA

Kevin J. Finkel, MD, FASA
Medical Director of Clinical Research,
Department of Anesthesia Research,  Hartford Division
Email Dr. Finkel

Aseel Walker - Director of Clinical Research

Aseel Walker, MD
Director of Clinical Research,
Department of Anesthesia Research,  Hartford Division
Tel: 860-972-1778
Email Aseel

Sarah Vincze, MPH
Research Internship Program Coordinator
Research Assistant, IAA
Department of Anesthesia Research, Hartford Division
Tel: 860-972-5487
Email Sarah