Become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist with Integrated Anesthesia Associates’ Nurse Anesthesia Program of Hartford (IAA NAPH). We offer two levels of programs. Learn more, apply now.
CHEM 550 Basic Organic and Biological Chemistry — 3 credits
Fundamentals of organic and biological chemistry in relation to human health including chemical and physical properties of organic molecules occurring in living systems. Topics include structure-function and acid-base concepts, overview of cellular metabolism, and enzyme kinetics. For nurse anesthesia and health science specialization students only.
BIO 517 Advanced Human Anatomy, Physiology, & Pathophysiology — 6 credits
Functional anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of man. Review of cell physiology is followed by in-depth study analysis of muscular, circulatory, nervous, respiratory, excretory and endocrine systems with special application to the health sciences.
ANES 515 Professional Aspects of Nurse Anesthesia – 3 credits
Practice of anesthesia including professional behavior, standards of care, scope of practice, and ethics, (i.e. social media), political, legal (i.e. HIPAA, documentation), and economic aspects of anesthesia practice; substance abuse and wellness; quality assurance, risk management, and liability insurance; government regulation of practice and licensure; history of nurse anesthesia.
BIO 519 Advanced Neuroscience – 3 credits
Study of the function of the human nervous system, including relation of neuroanatomy, membrane biophysics, synaptic transmission, and neural systems to human cognitive function in health and disease. Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological substrates of consciousness, arousal, sleep, perception, memory, pain, and analgesia with emphasis on their relation to anesthesia.
BIO 525 Advanced Physical Health Assessment for Nurse Anesthetist – 3 credits
Lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, and simulations presenting advanced physical health assessments of all body systems. Includes principles of peri-anesthetic care of patients with emphasis on cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurologic, and endocrine function; interpretation of lab data and selected specialty examinations such as pulmonary function studies, chest X-rays, 12-lead EKGs, and cardiology studies. Requires lab time at affiliated clinical sites.
BIO 528 Advanced Pharmacology – 4 credits
A comprehensive investigation into the pharmacological agents and their utilization with relevance to the health sciences. Special consideration is given to pharmacodynamics.
BIO 598 Research in Biology – 3 credits
Designed to familiarize the student with techniques and resources associated with research in the specialization. Opportunity for practical application.
BIO 725 Bioethics in Nurse Anesthesia – 3 credits
Ethical issues in biomedical research. Foundational knowledge and skills in responsible bioethical decision-making behavior to reflect upon, address and resolve the ethical and socio-cultural issues they confronted during professional practice. Discussion of application of ethical decision-making to nurse anesthesia care. Reflection upon AANA Code of Ethics.
BIO 518 Advanced Pathophysiology and Applied Physiology – 3 credits
A continuation of BIO 517 with emphasis on organ system physiology and pathophysiology. Cardiac, renal, and respiratory systems will be stressed.
BIO 525 Advanced Physical Health Assessment for Nurse Anesthetist – 3 credits
Lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, and simulations presenting advanced physical health assessments of all body systems. Includes principles of peri-anesthetic care of patients with emphasis on cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurologic, and endocrine function; interpretation of lab data and selected specialty examinations such as pulmonary function studies, chest X-rays, 12-lead EKGs, and cardiology studies. Requires lab time at affiliated clinical sites.
ANES 500 Principles of Nurse Anesthesia Practice I – 3 credits
Topics include pre-anesthesia evaluation and choice of anesthetic, fluid and blood therapy, monitoring, introduction to the anesthesia machine, acid-base balance, pain management, post-anesthesia care unit, basic airway management, and regional anesthesia. Requires lab time in the Clinical Affiliate Site.
BIO 736 Evidence-based Practice and Biostatistics – 3 credits
Review of statistical techniques and their benefits and limitations for clinical research. Emphasis on reviewing anesthesia literature. Include translation of research into practice, evaluation of practice, and improvement and reliability of nurse anesthesia practice and outcomes.
ACP 730 Anesthesia Clinical Practicum I – 1 credit
Structured, supervised clinical training and experience to learn to organize, administer, and manage anesthesia in a wide range of ages of patients. Conducted at affiliated hospital school of nurse anesthesia or their affiliated sites.
ANES 501 Principles of Nurse Anesthesia Practice II – 3 credits
Advanced principles and techniques for anesthesia in cardiac, thoracic, pediatric, obstetric, neurologic, vascular, gynecologic, urological, ophthalmic, emergency, and other case management; also includes advanced regional anesthesia techniques; anesthesia management of patients with a variety of co-morbidities. Plan anesthesia across various spectrums of wellness, ages, cultures, individuals, and families. Coverage of physics and anesthesia machine.
ACP 731 Anesthesia Clinical Practicum II – 1 credit
Structured, supervised clinical training and experience to learn to organize, administer, and manage anesthesia in a wide range of ages of patients. Conducted at affiliated hospital school of nurse anesthesia or their affiliated sites.
ANES 502 Principles of Nurse Anesthesia Practice III – 2 credits
Continuation of ANES 501.
BIO 740 Leadership in Nurse Anesthesia Education – 3 credits
Principles of teaching and learning applicable to the anesthesia didactic and clinical environment. Strategies in teacher/learner communication, presentation development and strategies, course and curriculum design, and methods of evaluation pertinent to nurse anesthesia education, multicultural healthcare, leadership, interpersonal communication, and inter-professional collaboration.
BIO 744 Entry to Practice Doctoral Scholarly Project I – 2 credits
Doctoral Scholarly Project (DSP) proposal, including the literature review and methodology. DSP is expected to be relevant to clinical practice, education, or leadership, and is to use evidence-based practice to improve clinical practice and patient outcomes. Students work with their DSP advisor and committee members both individually and in small group meetings.
ACP 732 Anesthesia Clinical Practicum III – 1 credit
Structured, supervised clinical training and experience to learn to organize, administer, and manage anesthesia in a wide range of ages of patients. Conducted at affiliated hospital school of nurse anesthesia or their affiliated sites.
BIO 730 Human Factors and Patient Safety for Nurse – 3 credits
Explores human error and patient safety in anesthesia care. Introduces a systems approach to error investigation and analysis; use of multidisciplinary teamwork for prevention of errors and crisis management; and use of simulation and monitoring systems and other techniques in improving safety in anesthesia practice.
BIO 745 Entry to Practice Doctoral Scholarly Project II – 3 credits
Doctoral Scholarly Project (DSP) proposal, including the literature review and methodology. DSP is expected to be relevant to clinical practice, education, or leadership, and is to use evidence-based practice to improve clinical practice and patient outcomes. Students work with their DSP advisor and committee members both individually and in small group meetings.
ACP 733 Advanced Anesthesia Clinical Practicum I – 3 credits
Structured, supervised clinical training and advanced experiences to organize, administer, and manage anesthesia in a general or specialty setting. Professional portfolio with written case studies of clinical experiences; focus on methods for determining best practices through identification of problems, review and systematic evaluation of current research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and consideration of economic and other factors that may impact patient outcomes. Conducted at affiliated hospital school of nurse anesthesia or other approved clinical sites.
ACP 734 Advanced Anesthesia Clinical Practicum II – 3 credits
Structured, supervised clinical training and advanced experiences to organize, administer, and manage anesthesia in a general or specialty setting. Professional portfolio with written case studies of clinical experiences; focus on methods for determining best practices through identification of problems, review and systematic evaluation of current research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and consideration of economic and other factors that may impact patient outcomes. Conducted at affiliated hospital school of nurse anesthesia or other approved clinical sites.
BIO 746 Entry to Practice Doctoral Scholarly Project II I– 3 credits
Doctoral scholarly research, writing, and completion. Students work with their DSP advisor and committee members both individually and in small group meetings.
BIO 739 Advanced Topics in Pharmacology – 3 credits
Study of current topics in pharmacology and nurse anesthesia practice. Topics will vary and will include pharmacogenetics, and acute and chronic pain management.
ACP 735 Advanced Anesthesia Clinical Practicum III – 3 credits
Structured, supervised clinical training, and advanced experiences to organize, administer, and manage anesthesia in a general or specialty setting. Professional portfolio with written case studies of clinical experiences; focus on methods for determining best practices through identification of problems, review and systematic evaluation of current research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and consideration of economic and other factors that may impact patient outcomes. Conducted at affiliated hospital school of nurse anesthesia or other approved clinical sites.
BIO 742 Advanced Topics in Nurse Anesthesia – 3 credits
Topics include healthcare policy developments at the state and federal levels, healthcare financing and reimbursement, the business of anesthesia/practice management, and leadership skills in anesthesia. Lectures, seminars, discussions, guest lectures, independent readings, and reports as appropriate for the topic will be utilized. Attendance at the AANA Mid-Year Meeting (usually in April) is strongly encouraged.
747 Entry to Practice Doctoral Scholarly Project IV (1 credit if needed)
Continuation of BIO 746. Up to 5 additional credits to complete the Doctoral Scholarly Project requirement.
For more information, please contact:
Maria Szafranski DNAP, CRNA, APRN
IAA NAPH Program Director
(860) 265-4556
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Integrated Anesthesia Associates’ Nurse Anesthesia Program of Hartford
100 Retreat Avenue, Suite 902, Hartford, CT 06106
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